Top ten resons to get apps for businessApps for business are no longer about standing out from the crowd but keeping up with the competition.  You may think that an app wouldn’t be relevant for your business, but it really could be. Apps can be developed for any industry and made to work for anyone.  If there was any doubt about having an app for your business, read our top ten reasons why an app will work for your business.

Get Exposure

Having an app is the most cost effective way to get your name out there, millions of people are searching every day in the app store for keywords related to your company – having an app will get you in front of them.

Stay Connected

Apps let you send push notifications directly to your customers, bringing your name on the home screen of their phone, displaying your message.  It’s a much less invasive way of staying in touch with your customer than e-mail or text message

Look Current

Having an app developed for your business gives your customers the impression that you are a tech savvy company, here to stay and investing in modern technology.

Mobile is King

Over the last year more people are using their phones to access the internet than their computers.  People want to be able to use their phones to the full potential.  Include a download link for your app on your website, people will download and use it.

Mobile Means Money

Depending on what your business is, by having an app you can cross-sell, up-sell or just simply promote your products through your app.  Without an app you’re missing a trick when it comes to selling yourself.

Your Target Market is Ready for your app

It is very unlikely that your target market will not be using smartphones, your business may not be represented by an app, but someone else in your industry will be.

Worldwide Reach

If you launch your app on any of the app stores – it is instantly available worldwide.  By having an app developed you will be able to get your business in front of the eyes of the world for the same price as the local area, where else can you get this level of promotion?

Improve Customer Loyalty

By having your app on their phone, your customers will know exactly where to go when they next want to buy your products.  Theres no chance of them forgetting your company name, it’s stored on the screen of their phone

Customer Convenience

By having a mobile app, you are giving your customers the ease of one touch contact, direct navigation to your store and even the ability to book with you directly through the app

People Just Love Apps

Quite simply everyone just loves apps, people like to download them, play around with them, see how much they can do with them – it provides a level of customer interaction never before achievable.

Photo courtesy of Guddvia Flickr